The Stanley D. Currier Archive: Hillary's Coup

Make no mistake about it: that repulsive old beast Hillary is running. Maybe it's a stealth campaign for now, but she's running.
This impeachment thing has Hillary’s Machiavellian stench all over it.  Consider the following timeline:
September 24th: Pelosi caves to the congressional radicals and announces an impeachment inquiry after weeks prayerful consideration (she prays to Moloch, by the way).
October 2019: Hillary haunts the talk show circuit once again.
November 2019: Impeachment inquiry instituted in the House.  Either the Republicans take the bait or the Democrats sua sponte release evidence of Hunter Biden’s getting $50K monthly salary from Ukrainian oil company for doing essentially nothing (nice work if you can get it!).  As evidence of Joe’s complicity surfaces, Biden’s numbers take a hit.  This also has the added benefit of deflecting attention away from the Squad, the California Dems and fellow travelers.
December 2019: Joe’s poll numbers plummet well below those of Sanders and Warren, even after he delivers his iconic "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech.
January 2020: Joe finds himself going head-to-head with those-other-guys-whose-names-we-no-longer-remember for the honor of not being in last place.  Joe announces that family and health issues force him to drop out of the race.  Now an increasingly acrimonious Sanders-versus-Warren-versus-Buttigieg catfight begins (kind of like Bolsheviks vs Trotskyites vs Fairy Princesses).
March 2020:  An “organic grassroots” Draft-Hillary movement emerges from the ensuing chaos.  Led by just ordinary people, somehow they have plenty of money to print signs, send out mass mailings and bus in supporters from who-knows-where.  Amazingly, her supporters don't seem willing to talk much about why they support her and strategically laid-out portable fences keep them well away from reporters.
April 2020: In a lightly-attended speech, Hillary unequivocally states that she IS NOT running for President and that she WILL NOT accept the nomination even if offered to her.  However, the Draft-Hillary movement somehow still manages to pick up steam.
May 2020: As polls have “Draft-Hillary” trending upwardly, Warren’s and Sanders’ stars begin to fade.
June 2020: Hillary, after much soul searching (don't worry, it’s just a metaphor – everyone knows that Hillary doesn’t have a soul), reluctantly announces that she will sacrifice herself for the sake of the Democrat Party and that she will accept the nomination, but only if the delegates demand it.  In the hopes of getting the VP nod, Warren announces support for Hillary.  Sanders quietly heads out to pasture after a Bernie staffer dies in a mysterious plane crash.
July 2020: Super-delegates push Hillary over the top at the convention and Hillary graciously accepts the nomination once again.  Hillary screws Warren and chooses some unheard-of guy for the VP slot.  Promised an ambassadorship and a longer-than-expected lifespan, Warren somehow manages to keep her pie hole shut. (A miracle in itself!)
That's how Hillary becomes the nominee … and remember, you heard it here first!


  1. Oops! I got it wrong. Now we have a senile halfwit as "president."


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